Bowl 'em CLEAR

In 1999 due to lack of effective management and vandalism, Bolam Coyne was proposed for demolition. This was put on hold by an international campaign led by Byker residents and friends.

Since 2000 (despite the dwellings being fenced) considerable damage is occurring through a combination of long term neglect, fly tipping and arson. However, this has encouraged a vibrant population of flora and fauna.

Bowl’em Clear: A proposal

Bowl’em Clear aims to:

Talk with people who live near Bolam Coyne

Arrange a weekend event on 3rd and 4th February to remove rubbish, trim shrubs and provide and share food at Bolam Coyne

Benefits might include:

Creating discussion about where we live and what we value

Removing rubbish and improving shrubbery

Providing an opportunity to meet people and share food

Bringing a derelict building back into use

Funding is confirmed from The East End Community Development Alliance’s Small Sparks project for the purchase of sacks, gardening equipment, stationary costs, documentation, food and beverages. Vehicle hire is donated.

Jim Foster, the Ward Steward is offering the use of a skip and workers. Additional help from the Street Warden service is being requested.

An assessment of potential risks has been carried out which requires formalising if the project receives support and goes ahead.

If you would like to volunteer and/or receive further information about Bowl’em Up! please telephone:

Andy McDermott on (0191) 224 1050

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